To cure this problem I've decided to buy a temperature controller and attempt to setup a fermentation chamber so that I can keep the bucket at the right temp for the beer being brewed. I settled on the BrewBit which is probably more than I need but I'm a bit of a gadget freak so I figured, "What the hell?"
I have a small dorm style fridge that I think will be big enough to hold the bucket (I hope) and, if so, I'll be using that as my chamber. If not I'll have to find something better (suggestions are more than welcome). As the controller can manage two heat sources and our weather is inconsistent to say the least I figured I'd put the fridge on it and then drop a small hair dryer in the fridge and use that as the other heat source. The brewbit could then cool or warm the interior of the fridge based on the current situation.
The last two beers we brewed at my house just haven't tasted right to me and I've been reluctant to brew again until I could improve the environmental controls a bit. I hope I don't have to wait too long to get the brew bit becuase I'd like to get back at it. I figure I'll do a couple more extract kits and if they work out better than it will be time to try some all grain recipes. If that works then I have my eyes on building a keezer.
Here is the inspiration for the fermentation chamber in the video:
Here is the inspiration for the fermentation chamber in the video:
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